Become a Member

Membership in CAASD is open to residents of San Diego County who are graduates from any of the colleges, professional schools, graduate schools or other departments of Columbia University; residents who have been or are members of any of the faculties; and any residents who have received any honorary degree from the University.  

Join the Columbia Alumni Association of San Diego for exclusive invitations, insider opportunities, and early-bird specials.  Your membership is good for a year from the month that you joined.

Your membership will support programming and bring you expanded Columbia connections with fellow alumni, faculty, students, and community. 


Annual Membership $25 per year

Open to all alumni of the University.

Student Membership $1 per year

For current students.

Parent Membership $25 per year

Parents of current students and/or parents of alumni.

Alumni Family Membership $40 per year

For alumni along with their spouse or partner.

Alumni Gold Membership $100 per year

Family membership and recognition on our website.


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