The Columbia Alumni Association of San Diego (CAASD) is a California non-profit organization, established as a networking and membership club that connects over 1,600 Columbia University alumni of all schools to one another and to the University.
The CAASD seeks to create a true Columbia University community here in the great city of San Diego.
The club's goal is to serve the interests of all our local alumni as well as strengthen our ties to Columbia University. We encourage you to become an active and valuable member of this community by joining our club. We offer cultural, educational, social, and networking opportunities and events.
Membership in CAASD is open to residents of San Diego county who are graduates from any of the colleges, professional schools, graduate schools or other departments of Columbia University, residents who have been or are members of any of the faculties thereof, and any residents who have received any honorary degree from the University. For more information on CAASD or to join our alumni club, please contact Svetlana Shammasova at [email protected].
CAA (Columbia Alumni Association) sets several Annual Programs in which CAASD Participates:
Columbia Community Outreach (Spring)
Columbia Connects (Fall)
Columbia Connects (formerly CAA Worldwide Networking) brings alumni together every year to share their Columbia connection and experiences as well as welcome new graduates to alumni communities across the globe. With over 300,000 alumni worldwide, these opportunities recognize and celebrate the global alumni community of Columbia University.